1) A study by the Journal of Labor Research, found that employees who regularly exercise earn 9% more than their sedentary counterparts.

2) Exercise makes you gorgeous

- Studies have proven that healthy = attractive. 

Based on evolutionary principles, women and men seek partners who can offer healthy offspring.

- Sweating is good for your skin. 

Sweating cleans and clears out skin pores. Additionally a study carried out by a University in Tubingen, Germany, discovered sweat contains a natural antibiotic which can help fight acne. 
However, exercise can aggravate skin issues if you don't cleanse you skin shortly after a sweaty session. 

Secondly, exercise increases circulation, in turn improving skin tone creating a healthier, brighter complexion. Yes, we’re talking about getting that desired 'glow.'

- Reduced bloat and puffiness.

This is down to an enhanced Lymphatic system. A primary job of the lymphatic is to fight infections and absorb excess material from our bodies, like fluids. Exercise can improve lymphatic flow helping your body to more efficiently flush out toxins and reduce water retention.

- Exercise wards of wrinkles... and lets face it wrinkle cream ain't cheap. 

Sustained physical activity stimulates collagen and elastin production increasing the thickness of our skin.

- Lots of studies have shown how regular exercise promotes better sleep. More sleep = more beauty sleep... Maybe that's how Sleeping Beauty fell asleep for so long?

- More importantly when you exercise, the body releases endorphins which relieve can relieve and make you feel good leading to a more happy and confident you.

The moral of this post: You would be silly not too get physical.